Monthly Wrap Up - October


Spooky Season was filled with thrillers (surprise, surprise!), some that I couldn’t get enough of, and some that were just okay. There has been a lot of hype surrounding some of them, and right now, let’s just get down to it! Some of these have reviews coming that will be updated soonish (I hope!). It’s been a great month reading-wise for me, and I was able to crush six books. My favorite was easily BABY TEETH by Zoje Stage - if you’re into all things family drama and extremely creepy, this one is for you.

I also read my second Ruth Ware, THE WOMAN IN CABIN 10, and I have to say, I was underwhelmed. The first novel of hers I read was THE TURN OF THE KEY and I was 100% blown away by it! I read it in two sittings, the only thing separating me from finishing It in one sitting was the desperate need for sleep.

I’m finding a little bit of a theme here in some of my repeat author books. I’m discovering these amazing authors, like Ruth Ware and Riley Sager by their latest novels that are blowing-my-mind-amazing. I then go back through their catalog, and find that their previous books aren’t as good. It’s not discouraging by any means, but it actually gives me a lot of hope. I’m writing my own thriller novel and knowing that my first book will likely be rough, but also knowing I will hit my stride and find my audience is deeply encouraging.

So without further ado! Here are my October Six:

October has been a full month for me. A month full of changes, full of life and love, new experiences, both happy and sad tears, and a whole lot of work. I’ve seen Hamilton, met Chris Webby, had massive migraines, and drank a lot of wine. I’ve also taken active steps in my self-care, having taken more relaxing and luxurious baths this month than I have in the past year. I’ve been in my house for three months now, living, eating, breathing, sleeping, and have made some real progress to make this house a home, thanks to my incredible BF.

Who knew divorce would turn out to be the best thing that happened to me?